Published:  12:00 AM, 30 December 2016

Diner Sheshe

Diner Sheshe

Syed Shipon, Easy Bike Driver

Life runs at its own pace. We have to adjust ourselves in order to keep pace with the harsh reality. I've completed degree (honors) from M.C. College, Sylhet. After that, I've done several jobs. But was never satisfied with those. I've always dreamt of doing something big in my life.

So, I decided to quit my job and bought an Easy bike. My qualifications in study could never be a trouble my way to dream big. I don't find any job small, as long as, there's honesty.

You'd never fail in your pursuit of dreams as long as you are thirsty for that. I've decided to built my castle of dreams on my own strength. I might face so many difficulties, but let me assure, I'll never stop dreaming."
Humans of SUST, Fb

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