Published:  12:00 AM, 01 March 2017



INGREDIENTS : [for the homemade paneer]
Fresh Milk : 2lt v Lemon Juice : 3tbsp v Ice Cubes : 1 medium cup

INGREDIENTS : [ for the final product]
Homemade Paneer : As we get v Patali Gur [date palm jaggery] : 100-150gm v Green Cardamom Powder : 1/2tsp v Water : A small cup v Raisin : One for each sweet to garnish


Pour the milk in a heavy bottomed pan. waiat until it boils and add the lemon juice. As the milk curdles, add the ice-cubes and let cool. With help of a clean white cloth, strain the whey, tie the cloth and hang for 40-45 minutes. Take down and transfer to a bowl.

 It needs to be mashed for quite sometime. After mashing it looks this smooth. Now it is time to cut the patali gur into smaller pieces. At this stage I forgot to click stepwise.

Anyway, bring to boil a cup of water. Add the jaggery and keep boiling till it gets sticky. Pour it over the paneer. Let cool a bit. Add the cardamom powder and mash further for 5-6 minutes. Shape into Kanchagollas, garnish with raisins and serve fresh and warm.

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