Published:  01:11 AM, 29 May 2017

Basic skincare rules to follow

 Basic skincare rules to follow

Above all, basic rules to a clean and good looking skin are as follows-

*    Water: Have 10-12 glasses of water daily, it's a must! Reduce alcohol intake. If you thought beer is cooling, it's only so for the mouth.

*    Watch your diet: Eating fresh salads and fruits should be on the top of your list. Cool drinks like stone apple, buttermilk, lime water and coconut water should be part of your daily intake. Avoid heavy gravy and fried foods, as well as aerated drinks and soda.

*    Clothing: Wear loose natural fibers like cotton, mul, jute, etc. These are the best summer clothing as they are airy and light.

*    Exercise: If you are prone to oily skin, increase your blood circulation and detox by exercising. Do remember to shower at least twice a day.

*    Metabolism: Many of you may not know this but skin and acne are directly related to the stomach. If you suffer from a sluggish metabolism and have constipation then you will most probably suffer from acne and pimples. Eat green vegetables and lots of fruits to clear out your system. (excerpt)

The writer is a beauty expert & contributor at

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