Achieving sustainable graduation for LDCs

Published:  12:10 AM, 18 February 2018

Keeping inequalities down emphasized

Civil society members have come out with a cluster of suggestions for the government advocating for proper preparation in achieving sustainable graduation from Least Development Country (LDC) status. They were critical in adopting appropriate measures in tackling the current inequality.

Bangladesh deserves the economic status, commenting so; they shaded light on better mobilization of domestic resources. They expressed concern over tax dodging and illicit money outflow while explaining their proposal. They discussed the issues at a seminar titled 'LDC Graduation and Sustainable Development Approach- Bangladesh Perspective' at CIRDAP Auditorium yesterday.

COAST Trust Deputy Director Syed Aminul Hoque presented the keynote which underscored expediting pro-poor budgetary allocation for health and education. He also focused on building up climate resilient critical infrastructure and effective governance to improve development effectiveness.

Dr Quazi Khaliquzz-aman Ahmed at the program said, "We might lose some facilities and advantages that LDCs enjoy, but we need to look ahead as we can do better by ourselves." Senior Secretary Dr Shamsul Alam, Director of the WTO cell Md Hafizur Rahman, Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of EquityBD and Additional Secretary Anwar Hossain also spoke at the seminar.

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