Oporajoy.org is an online based crowdfunding platform. Generally, crowdfunding is the process of collecting a small amount of money from many people each to make a huge amount and implement in a single project. Using the availability of the internet, this money can be collected from a lot of people.
Though a number of crowdfunding web sites like Kickstarter, Indie-gogo and GoFundMe were introduced in different countries; there was no such website in Bangladesh for helping in such funding. That's why, to take the progress of Digital Bangladesh one step forward, Oporajoy has started this crowdfunding platform.
During the 2008 global economic crisis, European countries, including the USA, were at risk of economic crisis. The banks were struggling to provide loans to new entrepreneurs. Even old businesspersons were struggling to arrange financial support.
At that time, crowdfunding platforms started to light up new hope among the entrepreneurs. From 2009, crowdfunding platforms have started to create opportunities for the entrepreneurs to collect money to invest in businesses. Using platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, entrepreneurs got the chance to collect the necessary investment to utilize in their initiatives. It was just the beginning.
After that, crowdfunding platforms have created a lot of success stories one by one. "The information from March 2014 says, using the capacity of global crowdfunding platforms, it is possible to collect more than 60,000 USD within 1 hour"- Europe-based 'The Crowd Funding Center' reported in their May 2014 report.
Using a crowdfunding platform, the entrepreneurs of our country can collect necessary capital to invest in their businesses. By sharing the profit with the investors from crowdfunding platforms, entrepreneurs can collect this capital. As a result, a lot of new initiatives will get a chance to be implemented. It'll undoubtedly play a significant role in the economy of the country.
Besides, crowdfunding can play a role in the social and education sector of this country. In our country, students who are receiving higher study are not getting enough scope to perform researches. Using the crowdfunding method, they can collect enough money for the purpose of research.
Sometimes we see that meritorious but poor students are not getting necessary treatment of their sickness because of lack of money. Many people want to establish schools in the village. Some are interested in working for the underprivileged children. In these cases, lack of money becomes a great barrier. Crowdfunding method can play a significant role in these cases.
The Managing Director of Oporajoy IT Pvt Ltd and Founder of Oporajoy Crowdfunding Software said, "Using the crowdfunding platform, an entrepreneur or an organization can collect money for their project.
Any type of project like establishing a library, conducting researches, helping meritorious but poor students for treatment, helping people affected by natural calamities like flood or earthquake, even for raising up a personal fund a person can use a crowdfunding platform."
The writer is a Computer Science Engineer
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