
Published:  12:50 AM, 18 December 2019




*    5 green plantains, peeled and diced in half or quarters

*   2-3 tbs butter or to taste

*    2 onions cut in rings

*    ¼ cup white vinegar

*    Canola or vegetable oil

*   Salt


1.      Cut onions into rings then add vinegar and a pinch of salt. Set aside.

2.    Peel plantains and cut in half or quarter if you'd like it to cook through faster

3.    In a large pot over medium high heat, add plantain and another pinch or two of salt

4.    Allow plantains to come to a boil

5.    Remove plantains once they are soft

6.    While the plantains are boiling, saute onions, salt, and vinegar. Be careful not to burn yourself as oil may pop

7.    Once the plantains are ready, add butter, cold water or water from where the plantains were boiling, sauce from the onions and begin to mash

8.    Mash until plantains are velvety smooth

9.    In the end, add onions and sauce over top.

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