Published:  05:43 PM, 25 November 2021

Arfius Al-din, Elita Karim, Habib & Top Musicians Collaborate With Spotify Bangladesh

Arfius Al-din, Elita Karim, Habib & Top Musicians Collaborate With Spotify Bangladesh
Spotify Bangladesh collaborates with some famous Bangladeshi musicians. The world's most popular audio streaming service has signed over a dozen brands as launch partners across new markets in Asia with Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan. As we know, Spotify is a part of the ongoing commitment to building a genuinely borderless audio ecosystem, connecting creators, listeners, and content. The company has been famous recently in other Southeast Asian countries such as Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, etc.

Arfius Al-din, the Middle East Asian one of the popular Bangladeshi Musician, said," There are many hidden talents in Bangladesh who like the new opportunities to show their talents." Arfius Aldin also added that music making can be an entrepreneurial journey in Bangladesh for the new artists.

Elita Karim, another popular singer, tv host said, "Spotify will undoubtfully be good for the artists. The platform will allow audiences and viewers to listen and watch music content from anywhere in the world.''

The famous Bangladeshi singer Habib Wahid also said that songs must be copyrighted first to benefit from the platform. Otherwise, artists, lyricists, and composers behind creating music would face trouble in getting a royalty.

Hamin Ahmed, president of the Bangladesh Musical Bands Association (BAMBA) and a member of the rock band Miles, is, however, not much optimistic. Copyright laws are violated. So, artists get almost Nothing in royalty. The only source of income for them is stage shows, and if people listen to music through Spotify, then artists may get a share of the revenue generated from the content.''

Spotify has been reluctant to raise its subscription prices because of increased competition, so increasing revenues will depend on new subscribers or different types of content, said Andrew Milroy who is the director of technology advisory firm Veqtor8. Spotify Bangladesh Tech Analisist said, "Because of Spotify, Bangladesh will become another market for foreign language songs and over a thousand Musical Artists joined Spotify last year from Bangladesh.’’

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