Published:  12:30 AM, 07 October 2022

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SIM play

How many of you own more than one SIM? I can bet that all of you have raised your hands. We are very opportunist, specifically regarding using cellphone. Whenever a telco company is offering a bit lower rate or some special night tariff, we switch on its SIM and jam the network. As a mobile phone user, most of us are not very loyal. No matter how much Thank You Bonus GP offers, we still switch on our BL Desh because its rate is low.

This switching tendency mostly prevails among us, the so-called young generation and also the financial constraint segment. Its simple - for the FC segment, saving a penny is like saving a part of life and to many of the young generation, saving a penny is like saving a part of love! :p And, the mobile operators have been playing with this "saving" game since BanglaLink has come into play. Until then, Grameenphone was happy in its own kingdom.There was hardly any game of tariff. Everyone said, "tariff" is not a competitive factor. BL proved everyone wrong. It is the main factor in Bangladesh. We are VERY much tariff sensitive. We are VERY much money sensitive.

Warid has been really playing with our patience for long. We have been waiting for its launching, God knows since when. Our anticipation started last year. Then the Independence day went, the Pohela Boishakh went - still no sign of Warid launching apart from the TV commercial which says nothing about its launching date. However, I just happened to find and go through the official web site of Waridtel in Bangladesh yesterday. And it seemed pretty complete!

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