Popular Bangladeshi actress, model and producer Jaya Ahsan posted a picture on her FB page. The photo has already received plenty of reactions and many fans have expressed their love through comments. "Best of luck Apu" Fuhad Chowdhury, fb
Popular Bangladeshi televisionactor TawsifMahbub sheared a picture on his FB page. The photo has already received lots of reactions and many fans have expressed their love through comments. "Awesome" Fatema Begum, fb
Facebook user Hirak Bhattacharjeeposted a picture on the FB page World Photographic Forum. The photo has already received plenty of reaction. "Beautiful capture" AF Mohammad, fb
Bangladeshi left-arm orthodox spinner Taijul Islamsheared a picture on his FB page. The photo has already received lots of reactions and many fans have expressed their love through comments. "My favorite" Taposh Kumar, fb
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