Published:  01:26 AM, 18 September 2023

Int'l seminar on study, job opportunity in Japan held at IU

Int'l seminar on study, job opportunity in Japan held at IU
An international seminar on study and job opportunity in Japan was held at Islamic University in kushtia on Sunday.

IU Institute of Islamic Education and Research organised the seminar at Bir Shreshtha Hamidur Rahman auditorium of the university in the morning.
IU vice chancellor professor Shaikh Abdus Salam addressed the seminar as chief guest while professor Yoshio Maeda, dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences of  University of Tokyo in Japan, and Kawamoto Yasuhiro , CEO of Every Japan Group, spoke here as the discussants.

IU Pro-VC professor M Mahbubur Rahman and treasurer professor M Alamgir Hossain Bhuiya were present here as special guests with IIER director professor Mamunur Rahman in the chair.

While addressing the seminar the speakers shed lights on different aspects including higher study job opportunity in Japan.

>>IU Correspondent, Kushtia

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