Jagannath University without VC.

Published:  05:02 PM, 30 November 2023 Last Update: 05:26 PM, 30 November 2023

Jagannath University without VC.

Jagannath University without VC.
Rakibul Islam,JnU Correspondent : Jagannath University Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr. Imdadul Haque passed away on November 11. As there is no pro-VC rule in the university, the treasurer of the university Prof. Dr. Kamaluddin Ahmed was performing routine duties in the absence of the vice-chancellor. Meanwhile, the four-year term of the treasurer has ended on Sunday (November 26). However, eighteen days after the death of the vice-chancellor and the end of the tenure of the treasurer, no new notification has come for these two important posts. As a result, Jagannath University, an important university in the capital, has become Guardianless. The University has come to a standstill due to the long illness of the late Vice-Chancellor and the absence of new responsibilities even after the death of the late Vice-Chancellor.

According to Section 18(2) of the Jagannath University Act 2005, 'At least one meeting of the Syndicate is to be held every two months. But due to various reasons, full Syndicate meeting is not being held in Jagannath University (JnU) for long nine months. As a result, teacher promotion, job permanency in the university as a lecturer, implementation of academic council decisions, publication of various results, MPhil PhD approval, leave instructions and promotion applications are stuck due to the lack of syndicate meeting.

In such a situation, the teachers and students of the university demand that everything be activated by appointing a vice-chancellor-treasurer as soon as possible. Professor Dr. Moniruzzaman, general secretary of the Nildal of the university, said that the university has become completely unthinkable. All work has stopped. A teacher who is honest and who believes in Bangabandhu ideals should be given the responsibility very soon to set everything in motion.

However, the matter of Vice-Chancellor-Treasurer of Jagannath University is under process, said the Ministry of Education and related sources. Yusuf Arefin, Additional Secretary of the Ministry of Education, said, "The issue of Vice-Chancellor and Treasurer of Jagannath University is under process. The file has been sent to the Prime Minister's Office."

However, although it is not known who is in this secret list, several teachers are trying for the post of vice-chancellor. It is known that the retired teacher of the Department of Mathematics of Dhaka University, Dr. Tofail Ahmed Chowdhury, Dean of Science Faculty. Md. Abdus Chamad; Chairman of the Department of Sociology Professor Dr. Sadeka Halim; Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Bijay Ektar Hall, Principal and Professor of Islamic History and Culture Department, Abdul Bashir, current President of Dhaka University Teachers Association, Nizamul Haque Bhuiya, General Secretary and Professor of Social Science Department. Zeenat Huda Dr. Mihir Lal Saha, teacher of plant science department and professor of Jagannath Hall. Besides, Jagannath University teachers Prof. Dr. Zakaria Mia, Prof. Dr. Ashraful Alam, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Salim and Prof. Dr. Ainul Islam. And recently outgoing treasurer of Jagannath University and retired teacher of Kamaluddin Ahmad is continuing campaigns to be vice-chancellor.

Professor Dr. AKM Lutfar Rahman, General Secretary of the University Teachers' Association, said, "The university has not got its own Vice-Chancellor-Treasurer even though the University has passed the age of eighteen. The last Vice-Chancellor-Treasurer was from an outside university. Currently, there are 36 first-rate professors in the university. We demand, let this responsibility be given from the university teachers.

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