Published:  02:22 AM, 15 June 2024

Theological Background of Eid Ul Azha

Theological Background of Eid Ul Azha

 Saiful Alam Lenin

Qurbani is an act of worship of Muslims which is imposed on the rich every year by sacrificing animals at a certain time and through this act of worship Muslims gain closeness to Allah Almighty. This important worship has to be performed according to the instructions of Almighty Allah and the Sunnah of Rasulullah (SAW), only then it is acceptable to Allah. Almighty Allah says in the Qur'an in this context, "None of the meat and blood (of the sacrificial animal) reaches Allah, but the piety of your hearts reaches" (Surah Hajj, verse-37). Allah also says, "O my Habib, you say, surely my prayer, my sacrifice, my life, my death, everything is for the Great Lord". (Surah An'am- 162).

The lexical meaning of the word Qurban is to attain proximity, to approach and the literal meaning of Qurbani is to get close to Allah by sacrificing an animal. It is known from the Quran, Hadith and history that this sacrifice was in the Shari'ah of all Ambiyae, starting from Hazrat Adam (AS). Sacrifice is an important practice in the Muhammadan religion, especially in commemoration of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS). This practice has been going on since the era of Rasool (PBUH), Sahaba, Tabayyin and Tabe-Tabayyin, so this sacrifice is a historical context and an important act of worship in Islam.

There was no nation in the world that did not perform Qurbani according to its own religion. It is known from history that when there was a conflict between the sons of Hazrat Adam (AS) in Damascus in present Syria over the marriage of their sister Akalima, Hazrat Adam (AS) ordered them to sacrifice with sincerity and said, "Whoever's sacrifice will be accepted among you?" This girl will be married with him. In those days, the sign of acceptance of sacrifice was that the sacrifice was accepted by an invisible object like fire coming from the sky. Then Habil and Qabil sacrificed according to the command of Adam (AS). But since Habil was a herdsman, he chose the most beautiful sheep from among his animals and sacrificed it in the way of Allah, and Qabil wanted to commit illegal marriages and acts against the Shari'ah. He used to do agricultural work and he offered sacrifices from his agricultural products and they were placed on top of a hill. Then suddenly a stream of fire came from the sky and burnt Habil's animal, i.e, his sacrifice was accepted by Allah. On the other hand, Allah did not accept the sacrifice of Qabil. Referring to that event, Allah said in the Qur'an, "O Habib (PBUH)! Recite to them the story of the two sons of Adam in truth, when they both sacrificed for nearness" (Surah al-Maida verse 28).
Then the sacrifice of one of them was accepted and the sacrifice of the other was not accepted. Hazrat Adam (AS) according to the criteria he set for marriage of his beautiful daughter, Habil was allowed to marry her, and Qabil failed to marry. This increased the stubbornness of Qabil's head. He said - O Habil, I failed to marry the beautiful (Akalima) because of you, so I will kill you. But Habil was innocent and calm. Almighty Allah says, "I do not accept sacrifice by the strength or power of the body." Allah says in the Holy Qur'an - "Then the heart agreed with him to kill his brother and Qabil killed him. Qabil became one of the losers in this life and the hereafter as well as in both worlds because of the killing of his brother. " (Kasasul Ambiya).

Qurbani has another historical context, when Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) was 86 years old, a son was born to Bibi Hajera and his name is Ismail. After a few days with this son, father Hazrat Ibrahim came to a difficult test. When the son was old enough to walk with his father, he dreamed and said to the son, "Son, I dreamed that I was worshiping you." It is known from some traditions that this dream was shown to Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) three days in a row, but it is true that it was also the dream of the Prophet. Allah says in this context, "O Ibrahim! You sacrifice your loved ones". He got up in the morning and sacrificed a hundred camels in his heart, but the next night he received the same instruction, and he sacrificed a hundred camels the next morning. On the third night, he dreamed again, 'Allah said, O Ibrahim! You sacrifice your loved ones". He requested, God! What will I sacrifice? Allah said, sacrifice your the dearest thing on my road. Another tradition mentions with the name, it is about the night of the tenth of the month of Zilhaj. So it became clear to him that today the order came to sacrifice Ismail, the son of love and affectionate. Then he informed Hajera (AS) of the intention of the sacrifice and said, dress her in new clothes. Bibi Hajera (AS) bathed her son and covered it with a good cloth and hugged her heart like eternal life and said, Go, my dear son! Sacrifice yourself for Allah. That day was the day of sacrifice and dedication to Almighty Allah. At which time the rays are reflected in the valleys of the Hejaz. In this situation, Ibrahim (AS) said, Ismail! Come to the forest with knife and rope. Ismail (AS) received his father's order and ran towards the forest with a long rope and a sharp knife. First of all, Ibrahim (AS) informed Ismail about the dream and asked him for his advice. O son! Think about what you think? Answers are like questions. Ismail said, dear father, obey what Allah has commanded you, who is more fortunate than me that I can be reunited with the Almighty Allah through the sacrifice of my father. No more delay, now say Bismillah and put a knife to my throat, so that Iblis does not get a chance to spoil this holy constant of ours. Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) hearing this from his child, he became impatient with joy and took the adorable child to the rock where sacrificial animals are slaughtered during the Hajj season at Mina. Then Hazrat Ismail (AS) said, Inshallah you will find me among the patient. Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) began to grind the stones with the knife. Meanwhile, among the angels of the upper world, there was a lamentation. Incarnating a scene like no other, the knife has been lent. Ibrahim (AS) put his son to sleep. A roll of tears fell in the invisible world, but no one has the ability to know, for what purpose the Almighty Allah is causing such a heart-wrenching event through His Khalil. Allah knows best.

Then, saying Bismillah, he took out a sharp knife and stabbed his son in the throat. Allah Ta'ala mentions this event in the Qur'an in Surah al-Kareem Saffa that when they surrendered and laid the son down, I called out, O Ibrahim! Surely you have turned dreams into reality, such is the reward I bestow upon distinguished servants. In fact, it was a big test for me. In this tragic scene, the angel world of the upper world, the vast space, the rivers of globe, the mountains, the animals and the birds, and everything started to tremble. The world of creation watched with bated breath this rare event of self-sacrifice. The angels prayed, O Lord, why did you give such an order? Almighty Allah replied, Some of my angels said, O Lord, why did you call Ibrahim (AS) as Khalil? I told you! He is my real Khalil and I tested his friendship for me. Ibrahim (AS) with determination put a knife on the child's throat. Allah Taala commanded the knife? Not even a hair of Ismail should be cut. By Almighty Allah's order, the curtain fell on the knife work. Ibrahim (AS) became angry and threw the knife away. The knife fell on a stone and the stone split into two pieces. Subhanallah! Then the Almighty Allah commanded Jibraeel (AS), O Jibraeel! You take a dumba from heaven and ask my Khalil to sacrifice it instead of Ismail. I have accepted his sacrifice. It was not my intention to cut Ismail's throat but to test him. (Tafseer Ma'areful Qur'an).

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) was successful by obeying the orders of Allah. Ever since the sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS), the father of the Muslim nation, the Ummah Muslimah has been following his order to obtain the pleasure of Allah. In this context, Allah says in the Qur'an - "They remember Allah on certain days through domesticated four-legged animals" (Surah Hajj: verse-28). Hazrat Ayesha (RA) was narrated that Rasulullah (SAW) said, "There is no act more dear to Allah than animal sacrifice on the day of sacrifice." The slaughtered animal will be presented with its horns and hooves on the Day of Resurrection. Before the blood of the sacrificial animal falls on the ground, it is accepted by Allah. So you sacrifice with an open mind and a contented heart. (Meshkat Sharif).

Saiful Alam Lenin is Marketing
Manager of The Asian Age.

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