Published:  08:00 AM, 10 July 2024

Prevalence of human rights should be developed into a culture

Human rights are the birthright of every human being. People will enjoy and exercise these rights—that is natural. Human rights apply everywhere and equally to everyone. These rights are both natural and legal rights. One of the responsibilities of local, national, regional and international laws is to maintain these rights. But what are we seeing? Innocent people are being exploited by the powerful. Despite constant human rights violations, nothing effective is being done to protect their rights and justice.

Although there are many UN Charters on various subjects, there is no other global document as popular and important as Human Rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has gained more popularity than the UN Charter. This document serves as a reference in determining and establishing human rights standards in many countries.

This Charter of Human Rights is now 74 years old. In these 74 years, there has been a radical change in the concept and indicators of human rights in the world. The Charter of Human Rights and the United Nations were founded on the ruins of World War-II. The world has not faced a major war since the founding of the United Nations. It can be said that this is the greatest achievement of the United Nations. However, the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights have worked behind the establishment of global peace and human rights.

Even then, the question generally arises, has the discrimination between people in a broad sense reduced? In one word, the answer is—no. The disparity between the rich and the poor, the powerful and the powerless, has not yet diminished. Rather, it is increasing in many cases. In a word, the culture of human rights is not yet fully developed. Very few countries in the world have managed to develop human rights as a culture. Sustainable democracy has served as the main force behind the establishment of improved human rights in those countries. 

Democracy and human rights can be said to be complementary. One reinforces the other. Human rights cannot be imagined without democracy. Again, one cannot claim to be democratic by neglecting human rights. However, even in the absence of these two, the country can rise to the peak of economic development. A few countries in the Middle East are prime examples of this.

Even if there is no democracy and human rights, there is still economic progress. Some developing countries also want to follow their footsteps. Thus, economic development is not inextricably linked to democracy or human rights. But undoubtedly, democracy and human rights can flourish better in developed economies.

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