AA Correspondent: An innovated Model Generated by an Officer from Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE). He informed on Tuesday that a brilliant and striking method named “Four Wheel” Model has been innovated to ensure fair prices for agricultural products for farmers and for consumers as well.
Bangladesh is very well fertile for agricultural product in the world. There are different many Govt and Non Govt agencies work with farmer level. In this Organization Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) is the largest. There manpower worked in grassroot level of our country. DAE has stated that the total amount of agricultural production across Bangladesh is very smoothly able to meet the demands for food by 80% to 90%. However, an unscrupulous group of business syndicators created an artificial crisis of foodstuff and daily essential commodities during the immediate past regime as a result of which food prices escalated beyond the reach of common people and farmers were also deprived of their appropriate share of profits.
The Four-Wheel Model will enable customers all over Bangladesh to buy foods at a reasonable price. Simultaneously this model will broadly assist farmers to get the right price for their cultivated crops.
The Four-Wheel Model is going to be implemented by different four govt organizations-Department of Agricultural Extension, Department of Agricultural Marketing, Directorate of National Consumer Rights Protection and Local Government Division. This four organization works in a Common Platform for Agro. smart Supply chain Developed, Implementation, supervision and Monitoring.
Innovator Md. Jahangir Kabir Jewel, ADD (LR), Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) is highly hopeful for Massive change our market level by Implemented this model for Agriculture Product Price Sustainability.
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