Veteran actor Pankaj Kapur is gearing up for the release of his next film, Binny and Family, which is all about bridging the generation gap and making the family bond stronger. He shared that every generation needs to learn from each other and narrow the communication gap.
In a conversation with ANI, he said, "I there should be an effort from both sides. The problem with today's youngsters is that they have a lot of answers available on the internet, such as on Google. There are many other sources from which they feel that they can get the answers. Somewhere or the other, it is not wrong. It is correct. But the experience of parents, grandparents, and elders can also help them achieve things that may not be available on the internet or Google. So there should be a mix of both so that both generations can learn from each other. The most important thing is to develop trust, closeness and togetherness within the family.”
He continued, "Today's generation is advanced in many ways from other generations as they have more information. What is lacking is experience. That experience, and wisdom, can be obtained from our elders. And the elders should try to recognise the energy and communication skills of today's generation.”
The Maqbool actor praised the writer and director of the film Ssanjay Tripaathy, saying, "He has written the script so well and made my character a professor. His father was also a professor and mine too."
While elaborating on his character and how the director has created it in the film, he shared, "So, professors have an amazing quality that they work with youngsters. It is very easy for them to relate with youngsters. And they are related to education. So, it is also easy for them to learn and teach. Mentally, they are also ready for the fact that if someone teaches, they will learn more and impart it."
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