Dr. Manmohan Singh

Published:  08:16 AM, 07 January 2025

Looking Back on The Life of An Economic Wizard

Looking Back on The Life of An Economic Wizard
 Former Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh (1932—2024)

Very recently India lost an economic wizard who has transformed our economy to a glorious height. It was not only within our domestic segment but also around global one. There are many economic wizards having born in Independent India as well as in undivided India. But among all there is something speciality on one such economic wizard who truly transformed Indian economy to a much higher level of excellence. He is none other than Dr Manmohan Singh, one of the doyen of Indian economy who departed for his final resting place on December 26 at around 21.50 hours. Not only he was a doyen of Indian economy but too was an economic wizard in its truest sense of the term.

Prior to becoming the finance minister of India, Indian economic scenario was not so much to talk about. But the moment Dr Manmohan Singh took over the responsibility of this much debatable department, the people's expectation drastically mounted up on a high keel. During the tenure of finance minister of India as well as governor of Reserve Bank of India Late Dr Singh has donned multiple responsibilities to steer Indian economy from a state of asphyxiation to a state of rejuvenation.

As along as Indian economy will remain active, the tasks taken by Late Singh will remain existent forever. Therefore the tasks taken by Late Manmohan Singh are stated as such, abolishing the licence Raj, accelerates the pace of economic growth and finally nabbed corruptible elements from the threshold of our political governance and democracy. Also Late Singh was instrumental in liberalisation of Indian economy which paved the way towards dramatic economic development.

Apart from the above there are various achievements by Dr Manmohan Singh. Among all some of them are stated as such, emphasise on reduction of poverty, aims to improve the quality of life of the Indians, he emphasised upon speedy implementation of MGNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Renewal Employment Guarantee Act) and guaranteeing 100 days of wage employment to rural residents of the nation. Also he was also instrumental in launching various welfare oriented programs like such as improvement of healthcare, education and finally various kinds of rural infrastructure.

In the year 2005, the government under Late Manmohan Singh passed the Right to Information Act, a unique legislation that empowered the citizens to gain access to various kinds of information from the side of Union government of India. This initiative paved the way towards transparency, accountability along with methodical governance in India. This initiative has been helpful to promote democratic values which is responsible for the benefit of vast numbers of Indian populace.

Apart from the above Late Manmohan Singh achieved more number of adulations to his credit. That is why despite he being deceased, is still deeply embedded in our mind and heart. Below let me state various adulations he received on account of transforming Indian economy to golden heights.

Thus the adulations which Dr Manmohan Singh was accorded are stated as such,Adulations from India,

Padma Vibhushan (1987)
Overseas honours:
From Saudi Arabia Special class the second highest civilian honour of Saudi Arabia in the year 2010
Grand Cordon, the second highest civilian honour of Japan in the year 2014
Wrenbury Scholar by University of Cambridge, UK, in the year 1957.
Honorary Professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University, India, in the year 1976
Honorary Fellow by Indian Institute of Bankers in the year 1982.
Honorary Fellow of Saint John’s College, Cambridge University in the year 1982.
President of Indian Economic Association in the year 1985
National Fellow of National Education of India in the year 1986
Honorary Fellow of All Indian Management Association, India and Nuffield College, Oxford, UK, in the year 1994.
Distinguished Fellow London School of Economics in the year 1994.
Honorary Professor Delhi School of Economics in the year 1996
Fellow National Academy of Agricultural Sciences in the year 1999.
Honorary Fellow All India Institute of Medical Sciences in the year 2005.
Achievements of Dr Manmohan Singh:
Different achievements are stated as such:
University Medal in the year 1952 in connection with securing 1st position in B.A. (Hons) (Economics).
Uttar Chand Kapur Medal both of Punjab University for his M.A. (Economics) examination in the year 1954.
Wright Prize for distinguished performance From Saint John’s College, Cambridge in the year 1955.
Adam Smith Prize in the year 1956 from the University of Cambridge.
Jawaharlal Nehru Birth Centenary Award from Indian Science Congress in the year 1995
Nikkei Asia Prize for regional growth by Nihon Keizai Shimbun Inc.
Justice K.S.Hegde Award in the year 1997 by Justice K.S. Hegde Foundation.
Lokmanya Tilak Award in the year 1997 by Lokmanya Tilak Smarak Mandir Trust.
In the year 2002 outstanding parliamentary award by Indian Parliamentary Group.
World Statesman Award in the year 2010 by Appeal of Conscience Foundation.

Apart from being a well-known astuteness interpretation economics, Dr Singh wrote various books such as Novel Immune and Potentiators, Collateral and Financial Plumbing, India’s Economic Reforms, Changing India, Demonetisation The Economists, Data Structure and Algorithm, Advance Cyber Security, Object Oriented Programming, Information and Network Security and finally Post Conflict Humanitarian.

Apart from the above lists, we find more numbers of books written by Dr Manmohan Singh such as, Changing India, Making Democracy, to the nation for the nation, a decade of economic reforms, India’s economic reforms andan agenda for the future and finally making democracy work for Pro-poor development.
In this shortest span of time, it is not possible for this writer to delve about all his books written by late economist of repute. Such as let me touch about Changing India.

As per the book Changing India is concerned, from this book it is found that it is a five volume compilation work which reflects the efficiency of an economist, policy maker of the nation and finally the role of a Prime Minister. The enter series throws light about transformation of post economic liberalization along with an analytical amount of the entire episode connected with reforms. Also perspectives on governance, social equity and global diplomacy etc. are all inbuilt in this one of the best works of Dr Manmohan Singh.

The periods stated in this book are from the years 1950-2014. The compilation clearly indicates Dr Singh’s erudition on Independent India’s diverse economic, social and political wisdom. Also two term tenures of late economist as Prime Minister of this biggest democracy of the world India. Apart from the above, Late Singh was also connected with various global duties which has inherited his diverse skills on economics along with trade and commerce.

I have tried to state broadly about the life of Late Manmohan Singh. It is no doubt an eventful life of Late Dr Singh. But it would be indecorous on my part if I don’t state about his glorious achievements.

Thus the various achievements of Dr Manmohan Singh are stated as such, helping GDP growth, setting up of Special Economic Zones Act (SEZ) of the year 2005, National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme of the year 2005, GDP clocked at 10.08%, Indo-US Nuke Deal of the year 2008, introduction of economic liberalisation within 2004 to 2014 and accelerating the pace of economic reforms along with and finally he was instrumental in reducing the import tariffs.

Apart from being an erudite economist and sociologist, late former Prime Minister playing pivotal roles in ushering of economic development, development of education among poorer and deprived sections of Indian societies which helped to a greater extent to arrest school dropout in rural and urban India.

As a full week has elapsed since Late Manmohan Sing departed for a new world. Indian citizens all across the nation are paying rich tributes to this Great Statesman. Even I am amazed to note his popularity in our closer and cordial South Asian neighbour Bangladesh. There are good numbers of admirers of late former Prime Minister of India. He was very closer and cordial to Sheikh Hasina Wazed during his tenure as Prime Minister of Bangladesh.

Apart from Dr Singh was closer to Rehman Sobhan, another Cambridge Alumnus. Dr Shobhan was the batch mate of Noble Laureate Dr Amartya Sen.
Another special quality of late Dr Singh was that he was an ardent mentor to student of journalism. During his tenure as Professor of economics in Delhi School ofEconomics (DSE) he groomed up many promising students of economics as well as in various other allied fields.

That is why Late Singh will be remembered forever. Also for the development of various modern writers in the field of economics and allied fields Dr Singh’s philosophy of life will continue to be a guiding spirit to all of us. Wherever he remains it is our fervent hopes and aspirations that he remains a guiding spirit. As he is now no more within us, but his works and philosophy of life will continue to be an undaunting spirit and motivation in our path to progress in diverse professional, corporate and academic disciplines. It is in fact the last one was his key forte in life.

Starting from politicians to academicians the name Late Manmohan Singh will remain embedded in the hearts of innumerable fans all across the globe. He was also closer and cordial with noted statesman not only of India, but also across the globe. Indians in cross sections of corporate, professional and academic disciplines will continue to reminisce Late Dr Singh in their day to day activities. Also we must try to hold aloft his simple and amiable temperament during the upcoming days of our life. As days pass off Late Manmohan Singhwill remain as an economic wizard not only in India, but also around the globe.

Sujayendra Das is a columnist
based in Kolkata, India.

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