Published:  12:00 AM, 15 January 2025

We Should Attach Due Importance to Our Health

We Should Attach Due Importance to Our Health
Health of a human being is regarded as one of the most vital assets in our life. Right from our creation in this earth. We find that our parents along with grandparents always emphasize that we must maintain sound health in our life. But why is it so? The reason behind is quite logical. When we grow up in life, our task is to build up career in such a manner through a bright academic career. Which helps us to establish our life in such a manner. That not only in our family circles but also with other members of our family as well as friends circles, we always try our level best to maintain sound health in order to keep our foot firmly anchored.

Through different parts of our health, we find that doctors advise the common citizens to be careful on sugar, blood pressure and other common health related issues. Among diverse human health we find blood pressure and blood sugar (which is also known as diabetes), which human beings need to be very cautious. That means through regular checkup of blood pressure and blood sugar. We get a reasonably good idea about our health. That means is it in the good direction or not fully. In this regard, our physicians advise us to adopt precautionary measures so that our health remains sound as ever.

In the modern age, we find that the lifestyle of humanity across the globe seem to be a tough nut one. Senior corporate personnel after the completion of their office hours, most of the time they hop on towards different clubs of the city. During their stay in clubs alcohol intake along with junk foods seems to be the key objective in them. Through this manner, it is found that most of the top executives land up into utterly dire straits of affairs. Along with them, citizens with various professional and corporate background also suffer badly due to ill health. In this regard, those who are involved into this kind of activities badly suffer on health ground.

So far I did the basic analysis of my column. Now I aim to touch up the ways we may emphasize upon to maintain sound health. In this regard the best way is to strict adherence towards the development of medical science. Plus advice of medical professionals by which we are able to develop sound health in our life span. Though there might be some maintenance of health norms. But in this regard self-realization should be the key area by which we are able to maintain sound health.

There are various ways and means by which we are able to maintain sound health. Among all the ways and means some of the common ones are stated as such, conscious about our weight, emphasize upon healthy diet, intake of multivitamin supplements, we must drink sufficient quantities of water so that we remain hydrated, we must maintain stable health so that we don’t suffer from heart ailment, development of reading habits so that we excel our mental upliftment, controlling weight, controlling diabetes (type 2), controlling blood pressure and regularly eating more of whole foods than processed foods.

As many of my online readers are not well conversant with whole foods and processed foods.

Thus for the cognizance of my readers, let me state briefly about both of them. Whole foods are that are not heavily processed or altered. Whole foods don’t contain too much of chemicals or artificial ingredients which provided good taste or longer shelf life. From hypothetical point of view, whole foods are healthier which helps to add more vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients. Whereas processed foods are very much unhealthier in nature which might lead us towards various types of intractable ailments which are detrimental towards broken human health.

Now examples of whole foods are stated as such, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, legumes (beans and lentils), eggs and whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, steel cut oatmeal and bulgur.

Examples of processed are stated as such, commercial baked goods such as cakes, pies, pastries and cookies, chips and crackers, processed meats such as hot dogs, lunch meat and sausage, sugar sweetened beverages, boxed rice or pasta dishes, pre-packaged microwaveable meals, white bread,  white rice and finally flavored yoghurts and ice cream.

Now with the advancement of science and technology, medical sciences have advanced rapidly. The sincere and dedicated medical professionals always advise the citizens to be more sincere and diligent as per diets are concerned.

Apart from the above, doctors always advise the citizens to be focused on the following areas such, quit smoking, quit alcohol intoxication and finally highflying lives.

Apart from the above it is observed from close quarters that reputed corporate bodies of India always motivate their managerial staffs to join party or clubs. From the professional point of view it has been detected more corporate executives are motivated or to a greater extent instigated to join various clubs.

This might be beneficial in one way or in the long run might lead to detrimental effects in life. That is why despite all the odds there are many corporate executives who are very much against joining clubs. Their main aim to lead anti-stress and strain full lives. Instead what is also noticeable by me that creative pursuit by many executives make lives more vibrant and jovial oriented?To be more transparent in mind and heart, we have to accept the above stated hardcore truth to lead sound and healthy life till our last breath in this earth.

There are common tendencies among cross section of Indian citizens notto consult physicians and also surgeons whenever minor ailments occur upon us. This is also prevalent among Bangladeshi citizens. As per medicinal aspect concerned if we take up normal precautions the ailments at the preliminary stage gets cured. While in case of pain on foot or finger or other parts of human body then we have to consult physician or surgeons. If we consult the specialists then it gets cured in time without further aggravation of the health problems taking place under normal circumstances. The presence of mind among modern citizens sounds appropriate. Otherwise we might incur huge expenses on medical grounds. The transparent oriented medical personnel, meaning always feel for the good of the citizens with rigorous and disciplined life our health transforms on a sound footing. If the citizens abide by the medical norms then there should not be any trace of illness among all age groups.

Apart from my above hypothesis I would reiterate that with slim and trim figure human beings will retain vibrant and sound health till the ultimate phase of life. As it is known to us that if we ornament our life with creative pursuits then we are bound to attain sound health in life. Plus good doctors always advise the citizens to maintain slim and trim health. Before I wind up my exposition it also desirable, I mean that citizens of both nations should have sound health.

Sujayendra Das is a columnist
based in Kolkata, India.

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