Published:  01:55 PM, 23 August 2017

[WATCH] Husband caught cheating with a teenager

This is the shocking moment a suspicious wife caught her alleged 'sex offender' husband asking a woman posing as an underage school girl for her number on hidden camera. 

The encounter was secretly filmed by the US YouTube channel To Catch a Cheater after the man's wife Ellen enlisted their help. 

Ellen said she first became suspicious when her neighbours told her they had discovered someone on the sex offender's list was registered at the couple's address.

However, when Ellen confronted her partner about it he told her it 'wasn't a big deal' and that it 'happened a long time ago'. 

In the clip, the husband is seen feeding ducks in a park when he is approached by the woman, who asks if she can join him.

Asked what she is doing in the park, she replies: 'I was bored, and I'm on my lunch break and I saw you, and I thought you looked really cute.'
The actress pretends she is a freshman at college before revealing she is actually 16 - which is below the age of consent in some states.

At first, he appears to be brush off her advances and asks where her parents are.
But she presses on and asks him if he wants to hang out some time. To the horror of his wife, he replies that he is 'sort of dating someone'.

But that doesn't stop him from asking for her number, and suggests that they be 'friends'. 
After giving him her number, the actress hugs him and says goodbye.
But as she walks away, the husband notices the mic pack on the back of her shorts and chases after her.

She manages to get into her car just in time and the husband starts hammering on the window. 
The camera then cuts back to the wife, who is visibly upset.

Asked if she considered her husband's behaviour as cheating, she responds: 'I mean, that’s what he would have done and he would have kept on it if he hadn’t seen a mic.' 

The video later confirmed that the couple were still together and were now attending marriage counselling in California.
MailOnline cannot verify whether the man is in fact a registered sex offender.

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