Civil society organizations have expressed their concern as space for their participation to developmental works has been shrinking. Demanding effective participation, they advocated for equal level development partnership.
They came up with the call at an event titled 'Bangladeshi CSO Dialogue with GPEDC, Realizing Enhancing Development Cooperation and the SDGs: Bangladesh Perspectives' at a city hotel on Wednesday. The seminar was jointly organized by the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) group in Bangladesh and COAST Trust.
PKSF chairman Dr Qazi Kholiquzzaman chaired the program while State Minister for Finance and Planning Muhammad Abdul Mannan was present as the chief guest.
The seminar was moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury. The Development Effectiveness Wing (DEW) of the Economic Relation Division (ERD) supported the dialogue. Civil society organization leaders from various countries and steering committee members of the Global Partnership on Effective Development Cooperation took part in the meeting.
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