
Extra Curriculum Activities during COVID-19 -The Asian Age

Education Institution has been indefinitely closed due to COVID-19. Now, students have to pass times in homes. During lockdown, we saw many online programs and educational competition. Most of the students specially schools and college's student had been participated in those programs.

Those programs are interesting and also competitive. It also gives students as a new learning during lockdowns. They also are attending various courses through Internet. They are watching educational videos through YouTube. They also participating some online contest. I want to describe some extra curriculum activities during lockdown. There are:

#Bangladesh Challenge:  #Bangladesh Challenge is a campaign for the students of schools, colleges and universities. The objective of the campaign is to encourage youth of Bangladesh to mark emergency and necessary location known to them. Through this initiative, participant have to marked hospitals, clinics, recharge points etc or any other important landmarks in the Google map and Open Street map through Bangladesh Challenge website. In this lockdown situation, it will help people to get engaged for a greater national cause and to fight COVID-19 by getting emergency supplies using the map. It was launched on 08th April and it continued till 30th April.

Muktopaath:  Muktopaath is an e learning platform for all the people. They offer many free courses through this platform. Most of the courses are free but there are few courses that need a small amount of money. It is operating by a2i (Access to Information). Through this platform, people can developed their knowledge and skills. During the outbreak of COVID-19, Muktopaath posted some courses for the doctors, nurses and other peoples about the COVID 19. Moreover, it is very essential and helpful for the student.

Quarantine Contest: In the social media, some groups are organizing some competition during the lockdown. Moreover, it is very interesting and pleasurable for the teenagers and adults. It creates a competitive environment for the participant. I also participate some of these contest.

Virtual/Online Workshop: The offices and educational institution has been closed due to COVID-19. How can they discuss about the serious topic? It's very simple. They can conduct their meeting through some application. For example Zoom, Google Meet etc. Most of the people in Bangladesh are using Zoom application. Some nonprofit organizations are conducting their workshop through these applications. It is very easy for anyone to use these applications. It is safe for the hackers and other problems. Specially, teachers can conduct the classes easily through zoom application.  

Musabbir Uddin is a student of Cambrian School & College.ID: CHSB 180074