Published:  07:58 AM, 05 June 2023

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Comparison of Bibliographic Search Engines

Inspired from the responses of my post comparing free bibliographic tools, I planned on posting few more articles about other different research tools. Here I am presenting a comparison of bibliographic search engines. The next article will be on scientific document processing tools. This series of comparisons follow a general pattern in which I start with the usage of such tools, followed by setting up a set of criteria to compare on and then I compare different tools. I believe this is a reasonable choice to present these topics. Bibliographic search engine is a general purpose research tool that contains all the research citations for one or more broad subject area(s) to which people can refer to reliably for their specific personal research. It is different from "personal bibliographic tool" in the sense that a bibliographic search engine is developed for the commons; it must be reliable for any reference it is providing, it must provide a way to export the data but it does not need to present the reference in any specific 'visual' or 'presentation' format. The way I search for scientific articles is pretty simple. Say I have a problem to solve that was assigned by some course teachers or my research supervisor. I mark some keywords and Google for them. If I don't find any relevant information I use combination of those keywords or use alternative keywords adapted from the search results. Once I start getting some keywords that produce relevant results in Google, I pass it to Google Scholar. Sometimes I go to some other subject specific search engines to search using those keywords.

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